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Task 2 Goal 1, 8, 10, 12 and 13  

We have heard the 17 sustainable goals mentioned a couple of times. Let us learn more about some of them. Here you see them all:


Now we will watch this video together UN Sustainable Development Goals - Overview 2:12

Out of the 17 sustainable goals, you are going to work with the goals that are most relevant to clothes production, Goal 1, 8, 10, 12 and 13. Unless you have preferences, your teacher will decide which of the goals you are going to work with.

The goal you are going to work with is described in the text THE 17 GOALS IN HEADLINES 

When you have seen the video and chosen your sustainable goal, you start reading reading the text on your goal. You help each other to make sure that everybody understands the text. Add difficult words to your key word list in your portfolio.